Shamanic Healing Sessions

Ariana’s Unique Approach

Experience a Shamanic Healing Session with Ariana Joy. This is her most popular session, as she uses her intuitive gifts to work through layers of energy, releasing stored trauma and emotional blockages. During your customized session, she uses a unique blend of reiki, crystals, light language, chanting, and shamanic techniques to bring your body into balance.


In person or remote healings sessions available

Additional Services

Ariana offers additional services including

Ensofic Reiki

Egyptian Aura

Crystal Gridding for Homes and Businesses

Intuitive Readings

What My Clients Are Saying

Ariana is pretty magical I'd have to say. I wasn't sure what to expect when I booked a hands on reiki appointment and man was I blown away. It's not just reiki or chakra healing.. it's a journey. She has American Indian drums and tools, essential oils that 'I' needed, crystals and gemstones applied to my body that got me so relaxed and I could feel her healing areas that I know I was blocked in. She gave me advice and told me things she saw throughout. It's quit rare to find a healer who does the work because they love doing it. Ariana truly loves what she does. She is really sweet and a really powerful shamanic healer. I'm so stoked to have her on island. I've booked a chakra course with her and will get coaching soon as well.

-C.R.W., Hawaii